Monday, July 19, 2010

Browns Eat Canadiens

Was another good day down around Laurel, but we found some Brown Trout eating today. Got a few fish to eat hoppers but that was just before a crazy hail storm came through, after which we went back to nymphing.

I've been hitting the same stretch of river the last several days for a variety of reasons...including the fish are eating, very few if any whitefish are eating, no one else is fishing it, and there are some good fish in that stretch of water, and they tend to eat hoppers pretty good down that way.

So, I've been whacking the Rainbows very well down there but just a brown every once in awhile. Today, the fish were much more interested in eating a Bow River Bugger (thus the Canada reference) than the stonefly nymph. They still ate the stonefly, but the bugger was the better bug today. One of the Browns was 23, another a little over 18...thrown in the 30-40 rainbows and it was a pretty solid day!

Back to fish puking up fish again. Longnose Dace was the bulimia special today. Maybe there was a higher than normal level of activity from the LD today or rainbows are tired of getting pricked every time they eat something with rubber legs. I guess it really doesn't matter anyway...but I like fish that eat fish.

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