Thursday, April 05, 2012


I've been going on and on for a month, maybe more for all I know, about the changes going on at the shop now. Well, the remodel is almost complete, just waiting on a few final pieces which will be in around the end of April. If you haven't seen the shop lately, you should check it out as it looks and feels quite a bit different. Once it is done, I'll take some pics and put them up but until's still kind of half done in my mind.
One big change that we've made is removing the old rod rack that we've had for 10 years. We do pretty well with rods in terms of sales, so we wanted to give them plenty of space but free up some valuable floorspace for some new clothing and fishing soft goods lines that we're bringing in very soon. I had this crazy idea that involved cables, boulders, and levitation for the rod display but reality set in so we're just having a nice wood rack built that attaches to the back wall of the shop. The entire back wall will be devoted to rods and should look pretty cool. The final "design" part of the project has been designing a pretty good sized lightbox that will sit behind the rods, provide some light, and generally look pretty badass...or much more so than the big, (crap window that is there now). These are the two options I am leaning towards for the graphic. This should all be done by late April and I can't wait to get it done!

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