Friday, April 05, 2013


I had the chance, once again this week, to get out on the water with a buddy for the day and just do some fishing. After the other day on the Jefferson, I was feeling the need for lots of tugs and disappearing bobbers.

We headed to the UM and fished between 8-Mile and Ennis, taking out at Valley Garden (the boat ramp there is now open but Ennis is not as of yet). Fishing is closed below Ennis, if you don't know that...someone was sulking around the back channels across from VG yesterday. They dipped back into the bush when we came near them so I never got the chance to tell them it was closed...hope they were getting 'em!

Anyway, the bite was good in the buckets yesterday. There is some spawning going on, but its early and most of the fish we caught yesterday were bright and in great shape. I didn't even fish a worm until a couple hours into the day - golden stones and soft hackles before that - I did finish the day with a nice rally during which my rig had been transformed to 5 overall feet, a split shot, and a single wire worm.

Got me thinking yesterday while on the water about not thinking while I'm on the water.

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