Sunday, October 27, 2013


I have an illness, an addiction, an affliction, an obsession, and a pipe dream that I just can't pretend isn't there anymore. I know it's silly and maybe even kind of queer, but I love to fish. I keep thinking I won't one day, but it just seems like I need to do it more. I don't need more fish or bigger fish, I just need to fish, even just stand in the water seems to scratch the itch. So, I'll go scratch it tomorrow and the day after, maybe the day after that too. It's my itch to scratch and its itchy right now.
Preseasons can wait a few more days, as can the rest of the laundry, winterizing crap, and even a full night of sleep. Let it snow and run everyone off, I will be happy to be cold, wet, and miserable.

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