Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Nothing like the feeling of dismay that comes to a simple retail clerk working in a fly shop on a bright sunny day around 10 am on with the mercury sticking to -10 and someone comes in looking for help finding the right fly. A feeling and thought process not dissimilar to those times when people come in wondering where they should go look for Mule Deer or directions to the nearest Les Schwab tire store. 2 out of 3 of those happened today i the midst of whittling my way through orders for goods to be received at an impossibly far away date to hopefully coincide with receding high water and the appearance of Salmonflies on the upper Madison.
Winter is here…all of a sudden-like. The mind ramble between anticipating reel sales and when that moment happened during which the joy of shallow water nymphing gave way to hopes of a Permit eat. It's winter time, my ambien is now the CR version which makes me less loopy at night and my e-cig atomizers are all clogging up. In the shop for the foreseeable future which is good, but I'd rather be fishing somewhere - even here - warm.

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