Sunday, March 06, 2016


Fished the Bighorn on Friday with my older crackhead kid. Weather was awesome, fishing pretty good. Clean river with a surprisingly large among of weeds floating. Sowbugs and worms, imagine that. It was great to get my kid out for a couple of days and to embrace the sun for a spell.
The poop festival up at the Yellowstone Club happened Thursday or Friday night. Felt odd to be know that the water in the Bighorn was cleaner than that of the Gallatin. Lots of thoughts about that whole fubar. I hope that there is a special spot in hell for Tim Blixseth, classic shithead. I hope that some of the non-profit environmental groups that employ nearly 5% of the Bozeman population are going to sue the shit out of the YC….sign me up. How f&%^&%$%$& stupid? Fuck em all.

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