Saturday, April 30, 2016


D-Day is coming! It has been a super busy couple of weeks with launching the new website, staying buys in the shop, doing some fishing, and trying to be a dad too. No nicotine since 02/22 and no e-cigs or tobacco since 12/31. Clean living, as my dad would say.
First guide trip of the yea for me tomorrow and thinking that there will be far less of them than in years past although I am pretty much booked in August.
Fished the Yellowstone today with the family. Windy as you know it to be, but tons of bugs and lots of fishing up on the surface, especially late morning/early afternoon. We nymphed mostly as it was blowing 20 upstream from ramp to ramp and the fish were eating good. Rubberlegs and Caddis pupa along the bank buckets. We got out and stuck a few on dries, but it was tough with the wind…for mere mortals…I did fine…of course.
The water is in great shape, I hope it holds for about 3 days…then let it go for awhile as far as I'm concerned!

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