Sunday, September 04, 2016


Fished the lower yesterday with a couple of very good sticks. Seemed absurdly cold in the morning, cold enough so that we all actually felt a little bad for the tubers that started showing up around 11 am or so. I think the fish didn't know quite what to do with could cover and much slower temperature rise than what they have seen in the last few months. They seemed confused anyway.
We had a few fish right out of the gate, then it went quiet on us for a long, long way. Still poked a few here and there when we posted up on a hole for a few casts, but the drag and drift from the boat was slow until the afternoon. Seeing as things wind down at 2, the truth is that we got them good from 12:30-2:00 and not so much until then. Variations of a crayfish and $3 Dips have been the theme. They were eating worms too. Pumped a fish and it was full of little Caddis larvae.
Laboring tomorrow on labor day.

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