Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Headed east today  just a few minutes after sunrise on this crisp, fall day in Southwest Montana. Leaves are turning colors everywhere, fog is hugging the ridge-tops and I'm sure there will be some snow in the hills tomorrow. I tried to enjoy these things as I barreled head long into a 30 mph wind and a wall of water that covered the horizon. Funny how little it all matters when the weather just sucks!

Ended up getting out of the rain and the wind and even found a few fish on the Yellowstone today. Slower than it has been, but still just good enough. Some Gonga love too, probably could have had more.

Thought of many things while on the water today. Ducks showed up in big number the last two days, I wish I was going to shoot some this weekend. I much prefer being cold and wet than hot and tired. My back feels like someone lodged an icepick just to the left of where my left "snake eye" would be if I were a young girl with a ripped up back. It still feels like its there too. I don't want to deal with all of the minutia that I need to deal with before I go to Brazil. I wonder how many whitefish are left on the Yellowstone…seems like a lot.

Towards the end of the day, my clients asked why we don't carry Simms…I decide to spare them the ideal and just say that we were going to, but Simms jerked us around. Much easier that way I guess. Moo?

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