Sunday, September 18, 2016

Lazy Day

Football season is alright with me, perfect day today of doing practically nothing other than watch TV and listen to the wind.
Fished the stone yesterday with some buddies, it was good. Lots of fish hanging in the back eddies, eating stoneflies, hoppers, and little bugs too. Moved a bunch of fish on streamers in the afternoon, got a few too. Western Red Quills and some Yellow Drakes out. Got a Goldeye on a Golide.
Weather ahead looks prime for the time of year, with some rain and mild days. Fishing is a million times better right now than it was from July 5th - August 23rd right now, feels good to feel like a fishing guide again at times.
No other drama in the world today, looking forward to checking out the pasture in the morning though.

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