Sunday, July 25, 2010


We need some rain, my yard is burning up! I got my head shaved today and was amazed to see my tan line over sunglasses. Buffs are the greatest gay things I've ever owned...and the only. So much easier than a wide brim hat in the wind, not too hot and very cool.

Fished the LM this morning for a quick half day trip. It's still a cesspool of weedy love but not so bad that nymphing the buckets wasn't doable. They are starting to eat hoppers so the weeds weren't too much of an issue. Probably couldve done fine with a Royal Wulff as we had some small ones eat and some others look. But we ended up getting a dozen or so on hoppers, missed a few and lost a few. One brown that was a little over 20 and had a couple other nicer fish try to eat too. Water is warm and hasn't been cooling down much at night so even I wouldn't fish it much past 1 or 2 at this point.

Tons of tubers, Blacks Ford was completely full when we took out around noon. PMD's were out, saw several dinks rise.

Got tomorrow off so going to go fish on the Yellowstone. Probably the bird float, put on around 9 or so. Should be fun, floating down the river with a bunch of guides on my day off whacking the whities. Oh come on...maybe a spring creek by Toston...maybe the lower Gallatin...maybe Laurel...yeah that sounds good.

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