Friday, July 23, 2010


Fished down by Columbus today on the Yellowstone with some great clients from Tennessee...the Snows. They tried to slap a big orange magnetic T on my truck this morning when I picked them up at 6:30.  We talked about Kiffen and Obama throughout the day. Ah but this is not the time or place to speak of such things...

Had a stiffy at out backs today, ripping actually. My favorite part was ripping all of my callouses off and getting blisters on my palms. The fish were eating good though, mostly BR Buggers and Lightning Bugs but ended up getting several on hoppers the last couple of miles. Given the wind, fishing was actually very good, nothing big but lots of 14-16 Rainbows and 1 Brown that was 18 or so.

I like watching indicators and big dry flies.

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