Sunday, August 01, 2010

Stuff I Use Everyday

Another good day on the lower Yellowstone, all nymphs all the time. Double Rubberlegs found some fish all day long. River is getting lower and weedy, we need a couple days of dirty water to kill some of the weeds. Lots of decent Rainbows, nothing too big or too small and ez fishing.

One of my clients asked me last week what my favorite Orvis product is, not including the Helios rods. I had to think about it awhile as I like just about all the Oshow has to offer. Everything has it's place and purpose. But, as I'm in the middle of my guide season and fishing just about everyday, I thought more about the essentials of what I really like that I use everyday. My list would also include the new Orvis Mirage reels, Sonic Seam Waders, Riverguard Ultralight wading boots, and Orvis' sunglasses with the vermillion lens color ( we don't sell them but they really are the bomb) when it comes to things that I prefer for fishing on my own.

The Helios and Hydros rods are great and easy to cast well, regardless of your skill level. So, these rank up there as being pretty essential in my list of must have's.

Rio Flouroflex Plus is my tippet of choice. I've used it for years and have messed around with just about everything else out there. I like it's stiffness, strength, and the way it cinches when making knots. I've been a big believer in flourocarbon for years and I do think it makes a difference, that's why I use it.

Dinsmore egg tin split shot. I guess I've been using it for so long that I just know how much I need to use to get the flies to do what I want them too. I like the cushioned coating as it's ez on my teeth. I always have BB, AB, and #1 in my bag.

Dr. Slick Split Shot Hemos. A must have for getting dinsmore off the leader, life is much easier this way! Plus they work great as conventional hemos.

Aquel and Shimazaki. These are my choices for gel and powder floatant.

Pat's Rubberleg, Worms, Lightning Bug, Tan Foam Hopper, Royal Wulff, Little Green Machine, Hare & Copper, Zonker. Can pretty much catch trout everywhere I've ever been with one of these flies.

Thingamabobbers in the ginormous size. They work.


Rio Gold fly line for my 5 weights and Grand for the 6's. Awesome lines that last longer than they should and float well for even longer.


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