Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Hammering 'em on Hoppers

This has become the blurb of the week. Unsettled weather, cool temps, and hopper fishing at it's best. Come on man, that's a bunch of crap...the best hooper fishing is always late July and early August, this year it has been more good than bad all season.

Fished the forbidden zone today of no tell 'em creek over by that mountain with them trees growing on it. A little off color, but cleared throughout the day. The bite was good in that we fought the wind, ended up with short leaders and simple flies which all worked just well enough to bring in a couple of good fish and plenty of small to mid-sizers.

Fun day on the water though, despite the wind. We had lots of BS flying around, some good laughter, and even spent half of the day with one of the howlies trying to play like a Ultra Man with his Tenkara rod. Nice rod...shit reel.

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