Friday, April 27, 2012

Fertilization of a Boat

I'm getting a new drift boat this year and it will be ready by the end of next week according to the "father" of my next home away from home for a third of a year or so. My old boat was a RO Deville and it absolutely changed my life. It was a great boat, but was getting worn out in places and I decided that I should trade it in while it still had some value to it. Apparently it found a new home in Michigan.
I decided that I'm going to do a photo essay of my new boat from conception to birth. It's going to be a challenge as the light sucks and there are a lot of moving parts going on while they're working on it. As today was kind of a crap day, I thought I'd run over there and scout it out a little bit to see how I'm going to get some meaningful shots of the process. I learned that it's going to be harder than I thought, but have some ideas on how to get what I'm looking for.
Boats and fishing guides are strange things. Some guys get very attached to their boats, even though they're pieces of crap while other guys get a new one every year. I don't really know where I fall in the spectrum, but I've decided that I want to know exactly how they're built and the human efforts that give a boat it's soul. So, we'll see how it shakes out over the next week. Wish I had it now as I'm going fishing tomorrow in someone else's boat.

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