Sunday, July 13, 2014


After some serious negotiations with my clients today, I convinced them the Jefferson would be an ideal choice for their day. We went back and forth between dry fly fishing on the Yellowstone or Upper Madison…or fishing indicators on the Jefferson. I told them the Jefferson would be more fun, prettier, and we would probably catch less fish too…but we could get a big one…but probably not. 11 fish later, I declared it was an epic day for the Jeff, it was pretty, not crowded, and we were able to fish zonkers and worms all day…what more could one ask for. Lots of water still in there, but its definitely warm and the fish need some quick fighting and quicker release.
I would recommend cutting off the hooks altogether for the benefit of the fish…we all know its about the drift and the grab anyway…plus who wants to deal with the heartache of losing a big fish after several minutes of back and forth, rowing in circles, missed swipes with the net, weak knots, etc. Just enjoy the bob of the bobber and tell yourself how many big ones you would have gotten if your flies actually had hooks on them. That right there is the solution for FWP's dilemma about river closures due to warm water. Just have to fish hookless after 2pm which is the magical moment in the day during which fish die if hooked when the water is too warm.
There were tubers galore at the takeout. I hate to seem judgmental, so I'll just stick to the facts here. Women that tube on the Jefferson do not seem to be as attractive - in general - as the ones on the lower Madison. Sure, they sport the hot pink bikini's as well over there and must be brimming with self confidence, which I think is great. I'm happy for them, but I would rate the bikini hatch on the lower Madison higher than the same event on the Jefferson.
Switching topics, imagine the horror that I faced today after we had a few fish in an hour and the dude in the back asks me "What do I do with this? Can I put it in the garbage?" As I turned my head, shock ran through my body at the sight of a banana peel. Not only did he bring a banana on the boat, but he ate it. I can't even imagine how grand a day we would have had if not for that banana. 11 fish on the Jefferson with a Banana on the boat, it would have been a 40 fish day if not for that Banana.

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