Sunday, October 02, 2016


Started the journey south today and looking forward to an overnight at some airport hotel in Miami this evening. The weather seemed much more fishy in the Bozone,  as I headed out this morning.
A few notable things of the last few days.
Yesterday was the 12th Anniversary of my marriage to my, unquestionably better half. I would be lost without her, I know because I was lost until she found me! Whenever I am feeling stuck in the quagmire of uncertainty, she is always there to keep me on track and reminded of what really is important in life.
A few of our former employees came in for a visit yesterday. Im still in regular contact with one of them, one of them moved to Kiwi-ville years ago, and I bump into the other one every few years. Also, got an update from Rick a couple of days ago as he gets settled into his new home in MN ( I think he is squatting at Prince's estate). Heard from the whisper of Chris Jones that he is back in PA, doing weddings, chasing women, and drinking a bit too much…but happy! Old school Yockel is back in Bozeman for a over a year now and had the chance to get caught up with him last spring. Though they usually move on at some point, I've been really fortunate to have spent so much time with so many great peeps in the fly shop over the years. They all did their part to get us to where we are and I am very thankful that they still care enough to check in every once in awhile! I wonder what the rest of them are doing?
Yes, I am excited about the trip to Brazil! I am only 40 pounds over the 40 pound weight restriction for the lodge! I have 7 rods, 6 reels, 4 extra fly lines, 2 very large boxes jammed with flies, 3 cameras, 3 lenses, and then all of the necessary meds to get a jungle clinic running for a few weeks. It dawned on me yesterday that I really can only fish one rod at a time, however. Maybe I will just fish a different rod everyday.

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