Thursday, June 06, 2019

New fly shop opens soon and what's up anyway.

Quick catch up for the world.

  • Spent most of the winter - from late November through mid-April on skis. Skied the most i have since 1992 and had a blast reconnecting with the winter, my kids, friends, and my wife of course.
  • Travelled to Argentina, Louisiana (twice), Belize, and Florida in pursuit of fish of one flavor or another. Fished with buddies and my youngest son on those adventures.
  • I spent a good chunk of late April and May on the Missouri River, guiding longtime friends and sleeping on cots.
It has been awhile since Ive had the desire to write or say much that needs to be said. However, I'm feeling focused and excited about the season ahead in terms of the fly shop and guiding. More fly shop than guiding.

Here's what we have going on this summer.

  • The Fly Fish Truck took a ton of work and money to pull together in 2018, its back for 2019 with a full summer schedule of traveling around town, bringing fly fishing "to the people." See a full list of events on our website and Facebook Events page.
  • We are opening a new fly shop called Fins & Feathers Upstream along the Gallatin, in the "community" of Karst at mile marker 55.5. on HWY 191. We will be opening on June 15 for the season.
  • I will be guiding some, working in and around the shop a bunch. If you see me holding pictures of carp while fishing in the Hog Island, you will know its been a successful summer.

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