Sunday, May 03, 2009

Yesterday and Today

The LM fished very well yesterday. I think the water temps finally got back into that range that makes for some happy fish. It seems like as long as it's above 45 or so, there are some fish feeding on the shallow flats as well as the buckets. Best fishing early in the day was with a red worm followed by a size 14 PT, no bead or flash. No crayfish love all day for me. AFter Blacks Ford, I switched things up a little and settled on a double worm rig. They wanted the worm. Ended up being very good with 2 18's, a 20 and 2 that were 19-20, with a dozen and half or so 10-16 inchers.

Heading to the Yellowstone today to fish streamers. It's raining and the sky shows no hint of changing its mind on that one.

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