Friday, May 20, 2011

Today on the MO

Things kept coming up yesterday and stabilized around 14,700 in the late afternoon. We mixed it up and did a short float in the morning down below Craig and then went up to the dam in the evening. Overall the fish were still eating pretty well, but it was a bit slower than it has been this week. Rising water always seems to mix it up but never does really kill it like on some rivers.
Rain today with overcast conditions so it should be a good bite throughout the day. Flows are still stable and the water is clear for the most part. We'll see if the rain from last night does anything to the color.
Heading home tonight, back up here Monday fro next week as well. Might do the Dearborn one day next week if everything comes together. All the little muddy bubbles open on Saturday and it looks like I won't be standing in the pump house hole on the Beaverhead once again this year.

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