Thursday, May 12, 2011


The flows came up throughout most of the day up here on the Missouri which made for ever changing conditions. We had an ok morning and slower afternoon. One of the tougher days up here in awhile , but we still ended up with a dozen or so good fish in the boat and another 8 or so on for awhile. Between the rising water and bright sunny skies it's hard to say just what it was but I have a feeling it will be back to good by today.
Prickly Pear is slowing down and the main river is getting bigger so the color should be less and less of an issue, I expect it to be ok by this afternoon so we'll see. The Dearborn is dirty too and things look to be pretty well blended in by Mid-Canon - by blended I mean evenly dirty not dissipated.
Saw a snow goose that looked like it was adopted by a pair of Canada Geese yesterday.

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