Sunday, August 07, 2011

Jeff Day

The Jefferson today through the canyon. Beautiful water void of fish. Actually wasn't too bad for the Jefferson, got one bow that was closer to 22 than 21 and an 18" brown. Never seem to tear them up over there but it's always worth the trip as there's always a chance at something special and unlikely to be too many other anglers out. I think I like the water up above Whitehall better, but don't want to be behind a bunch of boats from Twin Bridges and it's tough to get there before they do.

Fish were holding in the pools below riffles and along rip rap banks. Turned a few on hoppers and thought we should have seen more fish coming up as there were hoppers on the water. Bets rig was black and olive bow river bugger with a lightning bug. But the fish were far and few between as suspected they would be.

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